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Wednesday 8 October 2014

John Dumelo is a Goddam Liar & We All Know It | So He Should End His Presidential Ambition…

John Dumelo-One of the celebrity ambassadors

Several Ghanaians in position take Ghana and the other citizens for GRANTED—and it seems Ghanaian actor-John Dumelo is no better than the many corrupt politicians we currently have.

It is therefore not shocking that John Dumelo has told close friends that he is nursing a presidential ambition—and has even stated in various publications that he will soon venture into politics.

A surface assessment of John Dumelo’s sense of honesty in relation to the recent Brazil 2014 ambassadorial happenings indicates that John is a goodam liar and this is why we say so.

Before the ambassadors travelled to Brazil, John Dumelo told Ghanaians this;

“I can’t give you the actual figure because I don’t readily have all the documents in my hands but I can tell you that we have solicited well over $ 2million dollars”

John went further to reveal that their celebrity ambassadorial work is purely voluntary – they will receive no pay. “On the letter of appointment, it was indicated that it’s a voluntary work. There was no pay in it” he said.

When Becca was placed in front of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry tasked to look into the whole Ghana’s 2014 World Cup fiasco, she stated she was paid about 3700 dollars as an ambassador—for barely doing anything.

And GhanaCelebrities.Com has been told by a reliable source that, John Dumelo was even paid more than the 3700 dollars that Becca received—perhaps the double of that amount. Yet, John Dumelo who knew from onset that he was going to paid alongside the other ambassadors told Ghanaians, his role comes with no pay.

We surely do not want such a person occupying any high public office in Ghana—we already have many of John’s kind in politics, the reason why Ghana is stagnant on its last legs, yet swimming fast in a pool of corruption….

Interestingly, our source also said, Becca’s manager-Kiki Banson was also out there in Brazil and the important question the Commission missed which we should be asking is this; who paid for his trip considering the fact that he was not officially appointed as an ambassador?



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